Wenhan Dai

Constructions of Motivic Elements

The purpose of this weekly half-seminar-half-discussion-session is to study several constructions of cycles and motivic elements, in particular K(1)-elements via Borcherds product. All talks will be given by participants, and each meeting will be about 120 minutes, with 80 minutes lecture, 10 minutes break in the middle, and 30 minutes discussion time.

Syllabus (tentative)


  1. [Deninger] C. Deninger. Higher regulators and Hecke L-series of imaginary quadratic fields: I, Invent. Math., 96 (1989), 1–69.
  2. [Liu] Y. Liu, PhD Thesis.
  3. [Liu21] Y. Liu, Mixed arithmetic theta lifting for unitary groups Simons Symposia, Relative Trace Formulas (2021) 329–350.