Wenhan Dai

Springer Theory, Representation Theory, and Complex Geometry

This seminar will be about classical Springer theory with an emphasis on concreteness. In the first-half semester, we concentrate on the construction of Springer representations, as well as an alternative construction via perverse sheaves; we will dedicate the second-half semester to more explicit and combinatorial topics, such as parametrizations of nilpotent orbits in classical types using (generalized) tableaux, and Bala-Carter theory to tackle with exceptional cases and the fundamental groups of nilpotent orbits. While time permitting, the explicit generalized Springer Correspondence due to Lusztig follows at last.

Click here to download my notes for Talk 10.



  1. [CG] Chriss, N., Ginzburg, V., “Representation Theory and Complex Geometry,” Birkhauser 1997.
  2. [CM] Collingwood, D., McGovern, W., “Nilpotent Orbits in Semisimple Lie Algebras,” Van Nostrant Reinhold Mathematics Series 1993.
  3. [Lus] Lusztig, G. Green polynomials and singularities of unipotnt classes, Advances in Mathematics 1981.
  4. [Yun] Yun, Z. Lectures on Springer Theories and Orbital Integrals, Geometry of Moduli Spaces and Representation Theory. Park City Mathematics series 2015.