Wenhan Dai

On p-divisible Groups

The purpose of this weekly seminar is to study the basics of p-divisible groups. All talks will be givenby participants, and each meeting will be about 110 minutes, with a ten minutes break in the middle.

Syllabus (tentative)

Part A

Part B

Part C


  1. [Ansc] J. Anschütz, Lecture notes on Lubin–Tate spaces.
  2. [Brinon] O. Brinon, Théorie de Grothendieck–Messing, Théorèm de Serre–Tate et classification de Kisin. Not in public but available here.
  3. [Pink] Richard Pink, Lecture notes on finite group schemes, available here.
  4. [SW] P. Scholze and J. Weintein, Moduli of p-divisible groups.