Wenhan Dai

Seminar Beyond Fargues-Scholze

The purpose of this weekly seminar is to study some of the recent works that are built on Fargues-Scholze. We will focus on those works in the Langlands program. All talks will be given by participants, and each meeting will be about 110 minutes, with a ten minutes break in the middle.



  1. [AB] Johannes Anschütz and Arthur-César Le Bras Averaging functors in Fargues’ program for GL(n).
  2. [Far] Laurent Fargues, Simple connexite des fibres d’une application d’Abel-Jacobi et corps de classe local.
  3. [HKW] David Hansen, Tasho Kaletha, and Jared Weinstein, On the Kottwitz conjecture for local shtuka spaces.
  4. [SW] P. Scholze and J. Weintein, Moduli of p-divisible groups.
  5. [Zou] Konrad Zou, The categorical form of Fargues’ conjecture for tori.