The purpose of this weekly seminar is to study some of the recent works that are built on Fargues-Scholze. We will focus on those works in the Langlands program. All talks will be given by participants, and each meeting will be about 110 minutes, with a ten minutes break in the middle.
Organizer: Zhiyou Wu (MCM).
Time: 13:00–15:00 Wednesdays (starting on March 1).
Venue: Jingchun Yuan 78301.
(3/1) Zhiyou Wu: Overview.
(3/8) Xiangqian Yang: The condensed group homology computations [Zou, §3,4].
(3/15) Xiangqian Yang: Finish of the proof [Zou, §5, 6].
(3/29) Daming Zhou: Geometric class field theory [Far, §1-5].
(4/5) Heng Du: Proof [Far, §7].
(4/12) Yichao Tian: Averaging functors I [AB, §4, 5.1-5.4]. (notes)
(4/19) Daxin Xu: Averaging functors II [AB, §5.5-5.6, 6].
(4/26) Zeyu Wang: Fargues’ conjecture in the irreducible case [AB, §7]. (notes)
(The meeting is canceled during the PKU spring holiday.)
(5/17) Liang Xiao: Review of the Kottwitz conjecure and the classical approaches, [HKW, §1,2] and the reference in the introduction, notably the work of Strauch and Mieda.
(5/24) Weizhe Zheng: The Lefschetz-Verdier trace formula [HKW, §4]. (notes)
(5/31) Jiahao Niu: Local terms on the BdR-affine Grassmannian [HKW, §5.1-5.3]. (notes)
(No meeting during the Hong Kong conference.)
(6/14) Jilong Tong: Applications I [HKW, §6.1-6.3]. (notes)